The skills I gained across my degree were invaluable during my NHS application process

Matthew Conroy
Matthew Conroy
Senior Information Analyst (Primary Care) for Manchester Health and Care Commissioning
MPhys Physics with Mathematics
After graduating with an MPhys in Physics with Maths, Matthew took part in the NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme and is now a Senior Information Analyst for Manchester Health and Care Commissioning.

Within my role as a Senior Information Analyst (Primary Care) for Manchester Health and Care Commissioning (NHS Manchester CCG), I use the wealth of Primary Care data (GP practices) to support how decisions are made to provide health and social care for the people of Manchester. Approximately 90% of patient contact is with Primary Care, and this provides a huge resource of data to understand both patient need and how the NHS can provide appropriate services. I regularly meet with GP practices to help them understand their patient data to improve the care that they provide.

My role sits within the Business Intelligence team, and I love how I can use the skills I developed during my degree to have a direct impact on patient care. The potential that NHS data has is vast and I enjoy that every day I can use it to solve problems and improve patient care in Manchester.

Presenting projects across my degree helped me improve my confidence.

Matthew Conroy

Physics with Mathematics MPhys

Different colleagues within the Business Intelligence team specialise in different NHS data, including Secondary Care and Urgent Care. In Manchester, we are also able to link health data to understand how patients utilise different services, e.g. patients who are treated with Diabetes in Primary Care and how often they attend A&E.

Before joining the team in Manchester, I was part of the NHS Graduate Management Training Scheme, which is a graduate scheme designed to fast track NHS leaders for the future. The skills I gained across my degree, particularly during my third-year project and fourth-year dissertation, were invaluable during the application process and intensive two-year scheme.

During my degree, I also undertook a two-month research project with SURE (Sheffield Undergraduate Research Experience). This exposed me to lots of different situations with new colleagues in a short space of time, just like the many projects that I am involved in in my current position.

The skills of analysing and understanding data are critical to my day-to-day role. Presenting projects across my degree helped me improve my confidence, and I now regularly present to every GP practice in Manchester on how they can use their data to improve the care they provide.

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