Alumni profiles

Find out about life after graduation from the perspective of our alumni.

Dan McNicholas, BA Philosophy.

I genuinely think I use my degree every day in my job

Dan McNicholas BA Philosophy

Dan McNicholas is Head of Analytics & Insight at MEC, a media buying and planning agency in Manchester.

Amy Watson, BA and MA Philosophy.

In the business world a philosophy degree is valued highly as it evidences an ability to think critically

Amy Watson BA and MA Philosophy

Amy is a senior analyst working for CEB, a business management consultancy firm in London.

Alexander Isembard, Philosophy BA alumni.

If it weren’t for my being at the University of Sheffield, I wouldn't be living my dream job

Alexander Isembard BA Philosophy

Musician Alexander Isembard shares how his study of philosophy has influenced his lyric-writing abilities, passion and sincerity in his work.

Alex Sinclair Lack, Philosophy BA alumni.

Studying philosophy at Sheffield will always be one of the most powerful and enlightening periods of my life

Alex Sinclair Lack BA Philosophy

Alex is a teacher, writer and editor working for the British Council and Preiss Murphy. He currently lives in Amman, Jordan.

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