I really enjoy Sheffield's multicultural environment

Photo of Weisheng Xiao and ELTC students
Weisheng Xiao
Masters student
MSc Business Finance and Economics
As an international student from China, Weisheng was impressed by Sheffield's strong commitment towards teaching and the international student community.

Why Sheffield?

I studied finance and economics before I came to the University of Sheffield and I was interested in continuing to learn this.

I don't really like purely theoretical subjects and prefer to apply a variety of theories to practical work to solve problems, which I felt this course would allow me to do.

What most impressed me about the University of Sheffield is the background of internationalisation and the serious attitude towards teaching. 

Weisheng Xiao

MSc Business Finance and Economics

Secondly, my undergraduate major is statistics, which also provides some help for me to study finance-related subjects.

What most impressed me about the University of Sheffield is the background of internationalisation and the serious attitude towards teaching. I talked to an alumnus at the University of Sheffield and he highly recommended me to study here.

I also compared the curriculum at the University of Sheffield and other schools and I think that the modules at the University of Sheffield were exactly what I wanted, both theoretical courses and case studies. In the end, I chose this and I’m very satisfied that I made this decision.

My favourite part of the course at the University of Sheffield was our team assessment. This is very different from my previous experience in China. In the Chinese classroom, the teacher is more focused on explaining the detailed knowledge and ideas to the students.

However, at the University of Sheffield, I could share my views with other students and then integrate their opinions to improve my own ideas. Here, every teacher emphasises critical thinking, which I find quite different and fascinating.


I hope to be able to work in an investment bank after graduation. On the one hand, what I studied during my postgraduate studies has both economics and how to solve some problems in practical operations, such as financial management.

If I am lucky enough to work in investment banking, I believe I will maximise my performance. On the other hand, I feel that working in an investment bank will make me encounter more challenges.

Student life

As an international student from China, I feared that I could not adapt well to my new life. Fortunately, at the University of Sheffield, I met many friends, they come from different countries and I really enjoy this multicultural communication.

It is my happiest thing to come to the Students’ Union with my friends and participate in some societies.

Four students laughing while sat at a bench, outside the Students' Union

International scholarships

We offer a generous package of financial support for international students, including undergraduate and postgraduate taught scholarships towards the annual tuition fee. Applications are open for existing offer holders.