Professor Andrew Hindmoor


Department of Politics and International Relations

Professor of Politics

Profile image for academic staff member Andy Hindmoor
Profile picture of Profile image for academic staff member Andy Hindmoor
+44 114 222 0661

Full contact details

Professor Andrew Hindmoor
Department of Politics and International Relations
Modular Teaching Village
Northumberland Road
S10 1AJ

Andrew completed a PhD at the London School of Economics in 1996. He has lectured at the London School of Economics, Durham University, the University of Exeter and the University of Queensland. He is Associate editor of the journal New Political Economy.

Andrew has worked at the University of Sheffield since 2013. He has recently written a modern history of Britain since the year 2000 called Haywire which is being published by Penguin in 2024.

He has previously published two other books on modern British politics with Oxford University Press: 12 Days that Made Modern Britain and What's Left Now and prior to that, books on the global financial crisis (Masters of the Universe but Slaves of the Market with Harvard University Press in 2015), public policy (Understanding Governance with Cambridge University Press in 2009) and political analysis (Rational Choice with Palgrave MacMillan in 2015).


PhD, London School of Economics.

Research interests

Political economy

Modern British political history


Journal articles

Research group

Political Economy


I was a Leverhulme Research Fellow from 2021 to 2023

Teaching activities

I currently teach a level 3 undergraduate module on modern British political history in semester 2 called Britain in a New Age of Crisis and a level 2 module on The Left with Michael Jacobs.

Professional activities and memberships

I was the editor of the journal Political Studies between 2017 and 2023 and am currently an associate editor of the journal New Political Economy.

PhD Supervision

I have previously supervised eight PhDs to completion. I would be willing to consider supervising topics on banking and political economy, British politics, governance, public policy and rational choice theory.