Management School: Career Development Planning

A woman stands behind a lectern

Event details

Wednesday 15 May 2024
3.45 to 5pm


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Have you ever thought about what you’d like to do when you’re older? Whether it's marketing, HR, logistics, or something further afield, this session will introduce you to the types of things you might want to consider to ensure you have a happy and fulfilling life, both in and outside of work.

The skill of career development planning will give you the confidence to always feel in control of your future and achieve all the things you’ve ever wanted.

Career Development Planning

At the Management School, employability is embedded into our teaching, so you’ll think about your future career from day one of your degree.

In this taster session, you will be introduced to the concept of career development planning. We will explore the concepts of career and employability, while taking a look at the benefits of career development planning and reasons why it’s an important skill to learn.

You'll be introduced to a tool which encourages you to think about the types of things that are important, so that you can live the life you want to in the future.

This session is suitable for students in years 12 and 13.


Please note that this is an approximate schedule and is therefore subject to change.

  • 3.45pm: Log in and get comfortable
  • 3.50pm: Introduction to the Management School
  • 4pm: Interactive taster session
  • 4.40pm: Question and answer session with student ambassadors

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