Sheffield AHEP branch: Who we are and what we do

The Association of Higher Education Professionals is the professional association for higher education administrators and managers.

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The University of Sheffield has a long-standing relationship with the Association of Higher Education Professionals (AHEP) through the commitment of its members and has historically been one of the largest branches in the South Yorkshire region.

Our members reflect the diversity of administrative jobs undertaken at the University.

You will find our members working in academic departments, central departments, in research or at faculty level, and this richness is reflected in the range of engagement our members have had at national and regional level, including participation in AHEP Study Tours, delivering sessions at the AHEP Annual and Regional Conferences, and mentoring participants on the AHEP Pg Cert.

Several of our members have completed or are studying for the AHEP Post Graduate (PG) certification and others have been awarded the additional status as ‘Fellows’ of the AHEP.

We have also had representation on aspects of AHEP governance such as the AHEP Board of Trustees and Council, which enables the branch to increase our influence within Higher and Further education management development.

Membership of the AHEP offers the opportunity to look beyond your own institution and gain understanding of the key issues and new ideas in higher education management, nationally and internationally.

You will find many benefits of becoming a member, including the chance of networking with colleagues from your own institution.

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